15 years working with the city of Pasadena
Although we have the word "transmission" in our business name, A-1 Discount Transmission isn't just all about transmission — our skilled mechanics can take care of a multitude of other auto tune up.
We understand that multiple problems may be present in your vehicle, so we offer other auto services as well.
You can enjoy many free services such as diagnostics, 24-hour towing, local towing, pickup, drop-off, diagnosis, foreign cars and estimates. Authorized repair for extended warranties. You'll be amazed at how much can be done with no fees at all!
If your clutch has been feeling a bit weird lately, bring your vehicle into our garage. With our expert clutch problem analysis and repair, you'll get back on the road in no time, driving as smoothly as possible!
We do authorize repairs for extended warranties, so you're always welcome to come to us. You'll always get honest and reliable service from our experienced professionals. Give us a call today! And we fix all problems right the first time.
Enjoy FREE services from A-1 Discount Transmission such as emergency towing, pick up and drop-off!